Identifying Opportunites

Identifying Your Client Service Opportunities
Your client’s lives, goals and needs are constantly evolving. Your continued leadership and commitment to their holistic needs is essential to their being highly satisfied. You may wish to begin by considering which of your clients:
- Want to give back to their community or other favorite charities in the United States.
- Plan to sell a private company.
- Have high capital gain exposure in securities or other property, e.g. real estate, art-collectables.
- Would like a charitable deduction now to offset unusual high-income years, but retain the flexibility to make grants in the future.
- Are seeking stable income and have charitable intentions.
- Are in a transition phase of planning, e.g. empty nest, retirement, reviewing their estate plan.
- Are families with no children for beneficiary designations.
- Are concerned about the limitations and cost to establish and administer a private foundation.
- Want to leave a legacy of annual gifts to their favorite charities forever.
- Want to simplify their charitable record-keeping.